Top Tree LLC is your best choice for all things “tree maintenance” in Kennewick. Whether you’re looking for help with trimming trees, any kind of maintenance, or anything else related the trees in your yard, we can be your best resource.
Dig out the plant selected for transplanting. But do not start digging right at the base of a mature tree or shrub. Rather, start digging about 3 feet out from the base, all along the perimeter. Get a feel for where the main mass of roots lies. Also begin to judge what the weight will be of the plant plus the roots plus the soil clinging to roots. You may need someone to help you lift it.
The idea is to keep as much of the root-ball (roots plus soil) intact as possible. But the larger the plant is, the chances of getting anything close to the entire root-ball will diminish — and you would not be able to carry it anyhow. Usually you will have to cut through some roots on a mature plant (either with a sharp shovel or with pruners). Be sure to make a good, clean cut.
Once you have removed enough soil from around the sides of the plant, you will eventually be able to slip your shovel under it and begin to loosen the plant’s grip on the soil below it. After it is loose, spread a tarp on the ground nearby and gently move the tree or shrub onto the tarp.
Please continue reading about transplanting trees in our next post….
We look forward to being your first call when it comes to tree maintenance in Kennewick. Don’t hesitate calling us to ask us what you think are the smallest questions. We can’t wait to help you and have the chance to earn your business.