The Right Tree For The Right Place – February 2018: Part 1

Top Tree LLC can help you manage any tree hazards you have on your property. We are some of the best arborists in the Tri-Cities and can either give you advice on how to manage your trees or perform any preventative maintenance you need.

When it comes to trees, it’s important to pick the right tree for the right place. For trees to thrive and survive, you should know why and where you’re planting. Before you shop at your local nursery you may want to answer the following questions.

They’re meant to help you evaluate your needs and clarify what you want so you can plant the right tree at the right site. Reasons for planting For shade? To block or enhance view? For fruit, flowers, or fall colors? For energy efficiency?

Planting for tomorrow
How large will the tree be at maturity? Will it still answer your needs and fit your landscape when it’s full grown? Be mindful of any distances between the tree you’re thinking of planting and any nearby structures like a home or shop.

Tree shape
Will the shape of the mature tree enhance or detract from your landscape scheme? Keep in mind how much maintenance the base of the tree will need.

Will the tree survive local soil and climate? Is it suitable for a sunny, shady, wet, or dry location? Here in the Tri-Cities, you’ll also need to be mindful of your tree’s ability to withstand our gusty winds.

We look forward to helping you with all of your tree removal and tree trimming needs. When and if you have any questions about your trees, shrubs, or any other greenery on your property, we can help. We strive to be your only and best option for tree trimmers in the Tri-Cities.

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