Questions To Ask a Tri-Cities Arborist – Part 6 – May 2018

We’re now in the season of lawn maintenance and tree maintenance here in Benton City. There are so many possibilities of how to plant, shape, and maintain your yard and the trees and shrubbery in them. If you have questions about trees, we are an excellent resource. We are fully accredited arborists in Benton City and there are only a handful of us here in the area.

Here are some of the more common questions we receive:

  • There is construction going on near my trees, should I be concerned? Yes, it is important to protect tree roots.
  • How do I prune fruit trees? Fruit tree pruning involves using different techniques than you would usually use on landscape trees, in order to encourage fruit production and make it easier to pick.
  • The utility company pruned the trees on my street, and now they look ugly – is there a better solution? We enjoy the benefits of trees, but we also need safe reliable delivery of electricity.
  • Your utility has a tough job making trees and utility lines co-exist. While they should prune to correct standards, some trees under power lines really are better off being removed and replaced with a better tree.

Moving Forward
We look forward to helping you with all of your tree removal, tree trimming needs, and preventative maintenance needs. When and if you have any questions about your trees, shrubs, or any other greenery on your property, we can help. We strive to be your only and best option for tree pruners in Benton City.