We have a couple times of year where the wind in Pasco gets a little out of control. When and if the time comes where you need to take proactive action to prevent damage to your property, we would love to help. We look forward to helping you prevent any damage possible.
Root Failure Both small and large roots help to hold a tree in place and anchor it in the soil. As the tree grows and the top becomes larger, greater stress is put on the roots to hold the tree in place. Past tree abuse, construction damage, soil compaction, limited growing space, and/or root rot predispose the tree to storm damage by weakening the root architecture. These damaged or defective roots can fail or cause trees to lean under a strong persistent wind and/or saturated soil.
Preventing Storm Damage
There is no way, except for complete enclosure, to protect trees from all storm damage. Trees are not adapted to worst-case scenario storms, only to our average wind climate. Listed are several things to minimize the main types of storm damage:
– Let trees adjust to the wind environment. Tight staking and guying at the time of planting is, in
most cases, not necessary and is generally left in place too long and can girdle a tree trunk.
– Practice proper pruning techniques by cutting dead, diseased and weakly attached branches before they become larger than two inches in diameter. Proper pruning minimizes a number of structural problems that lead to tree damage.
Moving Forward
We look forward to helping you with all of your tree removal, tree trimming needs, and preventative maintenance needs. When and if you have any questions about your trees, shrubs, or any other greenery on your property, we can help. We strive to be your only and best option for tree pruners in Pasco.