Taking care of of your ash trees and shrubs is just a part of having trees and shrubs on your property. You will have to be mindful of various kinds of insects, fungus, weather damage, and of course, just the normal wear and tear a tree will go through.
The Ash Tree
The Ash tree is a distant cousin of the olive tree. More than 65 species of the ash tree family can be found in North America. Here in the Tri-Cities they are a little fewer and farther between, but they’re still here. Ashes vary, depending on type, from small, rather slender specimens to very large deciduous trees. All Ash trees have opposite compound leaves and very stout twigs. Like maple trees, ash trees have winged seeds called samaras. The wood of the ash is sought after for its suppleness and flexibility and is still used to make sports equipment, for tool handles and in the manufacture of furniture.. Depending on soil and climate, ashes also make attractive and versatile landscape trees.
The most important factor for a healthy ash tree is taking care of the soil. The type of soil determines not only how much nutrients and water the plant has access to, but also how efficiently the tree can use those nutrients. This can determine whether your ash can successfully withstand the stresses of growing in an urban environment or fight off infections such as Ash Yellows. As a homeowner, the best thing to give to your ash tree’s soil and to the long-term viability of your tree is the addition of beneficial mycorrhizal fungi.
When You Need Help
We want to be your “go to” resource for taking care of your trees. Whether it’s giving the best tree maintenance advice possible to take care of them or if you need the best company in Tri-Cities for tree removal, we are here for you. We look forward to speaking with you soon.