Taking care of of your cedar trees and shrubs is just a part of having trees and shrubs on your property. You will have to be mindful of various kinds of insects, fungus, weather damage, and of course, just the normal wear and tear a tree will go through.
The Northern White Cedar is a very adaptable landscape plant with fragrant foliage. The leaves are glossy and green, covering the trunk from the ground up and the branches are up-sweeping. The trunk is dark, grayish brown and shreds. Excellent for hedges. The yellowish-brown fall foliage is often considered unattractive.
Northern White Cedar Care
Fertilize with formulations that promote woody, strong growth rather than excessive foliar growth. Avoid storm damage by pruning young trees to a single trunk. In winter, use twine or burlap to protect branches from breakage. Take care not to over prune as the tree does not recover well.
Oriental arborvitae grows as either a large shrub or a small tree. Starting off rather dense and compact, the canopy opens up with age. The needles are scale-like and bright green. It is an excellent choice for hedges as it often only needs trimming at the top. Cultivars include ‘Bakeri’, ‘Blue Cone’, and ‘Elegantissima’.
Oriental Arborvitae Care
Fertilize with formulations that promote woody, strong growth rather than excessive foliar growth. In winter, use twine or burlap to protect branches from breakage. If areas of the tree are winter burned, new growth should resprout. Does not respond well to shearing. Take care not to over prune as the tree does not recover well.
When You Need Help
We want to be your “go to” resource for taking care of your trees. Whether it’s giving the best tree maintenance advice possible to take care of them or if you need the best company in West Richland for tree removal, we are here for you. We look forward to speaking with you soon.