April 2015 – Using The Right Cutting Equipment Part 5

Why Do It Yourself

If you are looking to trim your trees yourself and not use the services of one of the best tree maintenance companies in the Tri-Cities, we are more than happy to point you in a good direction.

Finding The Right Equipment: Handled Loppers

Finding a good set of handled loppers can make all the difference in the world when cutting down small limbs and branches.  No matter which handled loppers you use, you will want to choose one that is easy to use, the right size and length, and will stand the test of time.  We are more than happy to help you choose.

Finding the Right Brand

If you’re looking for the perfect handled loppers, we can point you in the right direction.  Since we use them day in and day out, we can tell you which ones get the job done and last.  Here are some of the brands we’ve either heard good things about or use in our job:

  • Super Duty Wood Handle Bypass Loppers
  • Hickok Lopper
  • Blade Only For Corona Super Duty

In Conclusion

Here at Top Tree LLC, we strive to be the best at what we do.  In order to do that, we ensure that our practices are consistent with optimal tree care, our arborists are properly trained, and our customer service is top notch.  If you are searching for a superior tree service company in the Tri-Cities, we would like to earn your business.

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