September 2016: How To Transplant Trees: Part 4

Top Tree LLC is your best choice for all things “tree maintenance” in Pasco. Whether you’re looking for help with trimming trees, any kind of maintenance, or anything else related the trees in your yard, we can be your best resource.

Best Time to Transplant and Other Tips

When should you do your transplanting? For most trees and shrubs, late winter or early spring are the best times for transplanting; fall would be the second best time (for further information, please see When to Plant Trees). In summer, it is not advisable (too hot). In the dead of winter, it is almost impossible (in the North) — unless you have done all of your digging ahead of time (before the ground freezes).

How long will this transplanting project take? That will depend greatly on the circumstances. To dig a mature tree or shrub out of rocky soil (especially in cramped quarters) is back-breaking work. How long it takes you will largely depend on your health and on how much you are willing to push yourself.

The foregoing instructions pertain to shrub and tree transplanting that involves digging, moving, and re-planting a root-ball. This is how you would normally transplant stock growing on your own property. However, when you buy plants from nurseries to plant in your yard, there will be some differences in the operation. Some nursery plants are balled and burlapped. Others are sold bare-root, the proper transplanting method for which is discussed in this article on growing roses. Still others are sold in containers; for these, be sure to tease the root-ball upon removal from the pot if there is any sign it has become root-bound.

Please continue reading about transplanting trees in our next post….

We look forward to being your first call when it comes to tree maintenance in Pasco. Don’t hesitate calling us to ask us what you think are the smallest questions. We can’t wait to help you and have the chance to earn your business.

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