May 2017: Insect and Disease – Part 4

Here at Top Tree LLC, we offer our guidance, experience, and knowledge to all of our clients and potential clients with a high level of passion.  We look forward to talking shop with you and no matter what, we welcome any questions you have regarding your trees and plants on your property.

Insects and Disease

Chewing insects eat plant tissue such as leaves, flowers, buds, roots, and twigs. Damage by these insects is often defined by uneven or broken margins on the leaves, skeletonization of the leaves, and leaf mining. Chewing insects include beetle adults or larvae, moth larvae, and many other types of insects. The damage they cause will help in identifying the pest insect.

Sucking insects insert their beak (proboscis) into the tissues of leaves, twigs, branches, flowers, or fruit and then feed on the plant’s juices. Some examples of sucking insects are aphids, mealybugs, thrips, and leafhoppers. Damage caused by these pests is often indicated by discoloration, drooping, wilting, leaf spots (stippling), honeydew, or general lack of vitality in the affected plant.

Boring insects spend time feeding beneath the bark of a tree as larvae. Some borers kill twigs and leaders when adults feed or when eggs hatch into larvae that bore into the stem and subsequently develop into adults. Other borers, such as bark beetles, mate at or near the bark surface, and adults lay eggs in tunnels beneath the bark.


The treatment method used for a particular insect or disease problem will depend on the species involved, the extent of the problem, and a variety of other factors specific to the situation and local regulations. Always consult an ISA Certified Arborist if you have any doubt about the nature of the problem or the proper treatment method to use.

Going Forward With Your Tree Care

We look forward to helping you with all of your tree removal and tree trimming needs. When, and if,  you have any questions about your trees, shrubs, or any other greenery on your property, we can help. We look forward to hearing from you soon because we are your Kennewick tree maintenance specialists.

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